Emergence of
and Education Networks and a Proposal for
February 21, 2006
Dr. Javed I. Khan
Fulbright Senior Specialist
Sponsored by Fulbright Scholar
Media Communications and Networking Research Laboratory
Department of Computer Science,
233 MSB,
3 Benefits of REN for Bangladesh
4.1 National
Policy Environment in Bangladesh
4.2 Education
Network Initiatives
4.3 Potential
Members: Higher Education Institutions (HEI)
4.4 Potential
Members: Advanced Research Institutions (ARI)
4.5 Network/
Fiber Assets of Bangladesh
5.1 Part-1:
Initiative and Action Plan
5.2 Part-2:
Governance and Organization
5.3 Part-3:
Network Infrastructure
5.4 Part-4:
ICT Services & Applications
6.1 Required
Design Capacity/ Bandwidth
7 Concluding Remarks and
A high performance national network connecting
universities- popularly known as Research
and Education Network (REN) is increasingly viewed as the vital and core
component for higher education institutions worldwide. Internet used to be an
auxiliary service for universities in the 1990’s. In 2000’s it became an
essential limb, and in 2005 it is becoming the central artery in the running of
modern universities and research organizations. Almost all the countries in the
world have adopted REN as the centerpiece of their information and
communication technology (ICT) plan for higher education. Now about 92
countries around the world have REN-- 25+ more are building [8,16]. Table-1
shows a snapshot. The concept is marching further forward. Countries worldwide
are now forming mega REN alliances of continental proportion with a vision of
creating a world community of universities- a grand kiosk of higher education
and scholarship.
Table-1 Worldwide REN [8] |
Region |
Installed |
In Progress |
5 |
17 |
35 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
34 |
6 |
South and |
11 |
7 |
Total |
92 |
28 |
A REN itself does not solve all the problems but it enables the entire research and education establishment of all disciplines of a country to come to an even point in technological readiness from where it can take full advantage of ICT and exchange learning and problem solving resources and knowledge and participate in national problem solving [4,5,16]. A REN is also the showcase of ICT capability of a country- a place for to demonstrate capabilities of the research universities. Engineers, national experts and researchers of a country who cannot run a smart ICT system in their own institutions, it is questionable if they can solve ICT problems for the country.
RENs such as Internet2 are also used as a laboratory for developing future technology. Right at this moment there are applications being experimented on many RENs which sounded like science fiction just a few years back such as virtual laboratory, telepresence, remote instrumentation. These innovations will radically change the educational use landscape of the Internet. The entire student group and higher education communities from countries without any REN risk being left out.
RENs are particularly empowering for the universities of
the developing world. The self-managed non-profit REN models have been proved
to be very effective in providing very fast as well as advanced digital
communication services at substantially lower cost required by the higher
education and research communities worldwide. In
REN can provide the latest and fastest communication
services and comprehensive access to state-of-the-art applications and
resources available digitally within and outside of the country required for
highest quality learning and research to all the student, faculty, staff and
researchers. This is one strategic investment opportunity for the higher
education sector which can not only arrest the current alarmingly downward
trend- but also dramatically change the higher education scenario of
Table-2 REN & HEI in |
Country |
320 (university only) |
110 |
104 |
50 |
27 |
18 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
This concept paper presents an outline of a probable network and outlays issues pertinent to its realization. It is not intended to present detail design. It draws upon an in-site situation survey on the state of higher education networks conducted in late 2005.
Sections 2-4 survey the context. Section 2 first provides
a brief overview of modern REN, international perspectives and trends. Section 3
identifies the advantages and implications of BREN for the higher education
community of
Sections 5-6 outline a possible roadmap for the
universities of
It seems one of the key service is going to be the digital library access. A sister concept paper on the Digital Library Consortium (DLC) initiative has also been prepared. It can be considered as the capstone service project for BREN [8].
A REN is a high performance network created and run for
the and by the research institutions, public and private universities, and the
institutions dominantly engaged in higher education and research activities
within a country. The Internet2 of
The core importance of REN is that this infrastructure- once in place now enables universities to take full benefit of ICT- a whole new range of services and applications can be instituted. With maturation, RENs are now rapidly expanding beyond the network and are establishing enterprise applications and services that benefit its members with enormous cost saving from a federated approach. Major services can range from universal enterprise email to digital library, multimedia communication, courseware and content management, scholarly publishing, computerized university, to Grid supercomputing. REN enables new models of learning. It also improves traditional learning. It also provides the scientists and engineers an unhindered test-bed to develop new network technology, services and application with experimentation, which is not possible in traditional ISP internet.
World wide RENs have been organized as a non-profit
consortium. In most of the countries both private and public universities have
joined together in their RENs except few (such as in
A REN will provide a unique opportunity to the
institutions oh higher education in
Research and higher education communities here are grossly disconnected from rest of the world. Their colleagues worldwide are using electronic communication- which ranges from all pervasive email to global electronic conferencing. Alarmingly, even in the top engineering school BUET- 90% students (undergraduate students and staff) don’t have institutional email! This gap has to be mended to keep the science and technological pursuit live.
Libraries are in a very poor and neglected shape. Books are old. Whatever poor print journal subscriptions are there also falling rapidly. Digital library consortium can work miracle to revitalize libraries.
Resources such as specialized laboratory, equipment such as electron microscope, supercomputer etc., crucial for research are becoming out of reach for public universities. An advanced network multiplies the user base. It makes expensive sophisticated resources affordable.
There is already massive pool of valuable world class resources available freely to the non-profit world of REN. An example would be the New England Journal of Medicine which is free to third world. A REN is the gateway to this rich and vast pool of free resources.
The research organizations and universities themselves possess
valuable resources and complimentary user bases. There is opportunity to use
local resources to solve local problem by bringing them closer to local
researchers. Some of these are also research treasure to the world community.
An example is the folk song collection of
Using REN conventional universities can begin joint
experimentation with Open University and
Without the electronic presence the work and contribution of country’s researchers will remain obscure. Developing countries may loose squarely rights on its intellectual resources. REN can arrest this loss.
The case of
Though, ICT has been identified as an important component of various national development objectives, however, various policy documents demonstrate unawareness about the worldwide trends of REN [9,10,11]. There also seems to be gap in the articulation of specific coherent strategy. Still there are statements that can help the cause of REN. One particular interesting statement in National Telecommunication Policy [9] states (section 5.1): “The requirement to carry out R&D will be a part of the conditions under which licenses are issued and at least 1% of the annual expenditure should be allocated for the purpose”. This massive untapped fund can be justifiably used to support the ICT need of higher education sector. The public universities and research institutions are currently the main R&D facilities of the country. Even a fraction of this expenditure can satisfy backbone and access needs of the REN.
There were two past efforts to form multi-institutional education/research network. Back in 1997 UGC initiated the Bangladesh Education and Research Network (BERNET). In 1998 another initiative called BANSLINK tried to connect libraries of some science and technology based universities and research institutions. Unfortunately, both failed. A 2005 survey reveals only 38 of the 52 private and 9 out of the 21 public universities- roughly half of the universities, have internet connectivity [12]. For three years UGC has a plan in table to provide very basic internet access to the 21 public universities via regular ISPs- though it is still in wait.
A total of about 104 institutions represent the
conventional higher education institution (HEI) in
Table-3 Various Types of HEIs in |
Types |
Institutions |
Students |
Public Universities [1] |
19 |
112,327 |
Private & International Universities [1] |
54 |
46,080 |
Public Medical & Dental Colleges [2] |
14 |
Private Medical & Dental Colleges |
17 |
Total Conventional
R&D Universities |
104 |
158407 |
National University Public & Private
Colleges [1] |
1596 |
416,646 |
Other Collages Affiliated with Public
Universities [1] |
1548 |
Kamil Maddrassas [2] |
147 |
92,000 |
Open University (National, |
1013 |
437,489 |
Planned Public Universities [1] |
9 |
Total |
4417 |
1104542 |
Table-4 Advanced Research Institutions (ARI) |
of R&D Institutions |
Number |
Institute/Center-Agriculture |
15 |
Institute/Center-Biology |
7 |
Institute/Center-Energy |
5 |
Institute/Center-Engineering |
14 |
Institute/Center-Medical |
15 |
Institute/Center-Weather |
2 |
3 |
Admintrative Centers |
10 |
Library (Non-University) |
7 |
Collections-Museum |
8 |
Institutes & Centers |
6 |
Total |
92 |
Besides the universities,
Currently, there are three public companies which have
fiber optic networks. Bangladesh
National Railway- a nationally owned company is the first to install fiber
Table-5 Projected Usage of Cable Bandwidth [3] |
Applications |
Existing Use 2005 |
Projected Use 2010
Internet Bandwidth |
50 Mbps |
500 Mbps |
Voice Circuits |
150 Mbps |
1 Gbps |
Multi Media |
200 Mbps |
Other New Application |
100 Mbps |
100 Mbps |
Total |
2 Gbps |
BREN (25% of unused capacity) |
622 Mbps |
At the moment the entire data communication with outside
world is based on long delay satellites operated by ASIASAT and INTELSAT. All
peering for data networking is done at Hong Kong or
In Bangladesh UGC is the most appropriate body to convene the REN initiative. Already UGC is incurring unnecessary duplicate cost[1] in personnel, library and internet connectivity. Naturally UGC will be the largest benefactor. Besides, almost all the private universities surveyed are interested to join such as initiative under UGC even on cash cost sharing basis. UGC may seek partnership from the Ministry of Science and Technology and Education, as well as national industries.
A high performance national research and education network (REN) should be included as a key strategic element for the Higher Education and ICT plans. A study of all comparable as well as neighboring countries will show this is indeed the case.
UGC should take the lead and convene and organize a non-profit consortium for BREN by
inviting all the universities and research institutions of
UGC and the higher education communities should work together to ensure a national commitment to higher education and may ask for the following reasonable supports:
A commitment of about 1-5% of public licensed telecommunication capacity for non-profit educational use (including higher, primary, and maddrassa education) will help the national interest. National Telecommunication Policy already calls for 1% R&D investment. But it is yet to be enacted.
Additionally, when there is any long term unused capacity (such as for a period of 3 years), about 25% of it should be made available for use by the non-profit education sector on time limited (such as for 2 years) basis.
Non-profit education network should get tax-free and priority access to required communication assets (such as radio frequency, fiber networks, roof-top-tower in government owned buildings).
Additionally, government may establish an education superfund to tap the 1% R&D commitment from all national license income.
Next three sub-sections presents probable (a) management structure, (b) network model, and (c) application and service models for a modern BREN in line with international trend.
BREN should be organized in such a way that it remains vibrant and be able to avoid the fate of earlier local initiatives. This is probably achievable if it follows the open, inviting, and community participation based organizational model adopted by RENs in many other countries. Below are some recommendations.
REN should be organized as a non-profit consortium
of institutions engaged in research and higher education in any discipline of
knowledge in
The initial membership can be comprised of all public and private universities, willing research organizations, and perhaps can be called the “founding hundred”. Its governance should be decided by a board of trustee appointed by UGC and the Chief Executive Officers of the institutions.
The body should be able to add additional classes of non-voting membership such as affiliate membership and industrial and international partnership.
Its technical direction should come from open, inviting, and community based technical committees crated by the members and comprised of interested individuals, faculty, practitioners, and scholars from the participating organizations and outside.
Its main operation may be run by establishing one Network Operation Center (NOC) and a set of National Service Centers (NSC). The NOC will be in charge of running the core network asset. The NSCs should provision enterprise services over REN such as Digital Library, Content Hosting, Electronic Mail, Directory and Information services etc, as decided by the need of time and evolution of technology.
When there is a choice- the policy of the REN should be to remain maximally inclusive, reach out to all participants of high education community and spread out to all parts of the country, favor universal access.
When there is any major resource funding, all allocation policy and merit criteria should leverage sharing and collaboration between members, and use of this network. Reward sharing and discourage monopoly use.[2].
UGC should convene a BREN Networking Task Force involving the ICT staff, networking and IT faculty, and researchers of the member institutions. Every member university may consider contributing several professional network engineer and faculty not less than one. The body should meet regularly and frequently.
The body should design and execute the creation of BREN with its national backbone, access network and international linkage with state-of-the-art high performance broadband access to all member campus buildings, dormitories, research installations and offices.
It may use 1-5% of fixed capacity and/or time limited 25% of unused/unscheduled capacity of the publicly owner or government funded, licensed telecommunication fibers/resources, and allocated education frequency bands as suggested in the management and funding section.
It should also setup required DNS, firewall, authentication, caching, monitoring, routing, and any other infrastructure to ensure seamless operation of the network and its services.
It should take initiative to peer with regional and international RENs and networks worldwide (such as APAN, Internet2, GEANT) via establishing international connections using national fibers, satellites, etc and signing appropriate traffic exchange contracts.
BREN should ensure ultimate end-user access by setting up
user facilities such as cyber cafes, high speed campus wireless (wi-fi), mobile
units so that students, faculty, and researchers can have access to advanced
Internet from anywhere in
BREN should establish collaboration class-room/video conference wing in institutions in all corners of the country, so that all institutions can access (either on premise or in a fellow member institution within few km) them and conveniently participate in remote conferencing as needed.
It will also promote Data Centers, Supercomputing Centers, Advanced Graphics and Visualization Centers, Environmental Computing Centers (flood modeling, weather prediction, crop cycle modeling etc.), National Computing Grid, etc. and ensure high performance connectivity of these specialized resources via the network, and leverage their access.
It will be logical for BREN to pursue and lead in
experimenting and launching of new advanced networking protocols and
capabilities. The backbone and access network should be IPV6 capable so that
campuses can grow IPV6 networks to assuage the severe IP address shortage of
A network is an infrastructure not visible to the end-user. To make this infrastructure useful to its user communities a REN initiative must be augmented with enterprise applications and services. RENs in the developing countries are to be more aggressive in establishing these services since individual institutions there don’t have them. Ultimately, the services bring the benefit home to the end-user. The REN service is a fast growing area. It is important to be visionary. Setup enterprise systems that can serve thousands from one place- thus can provide economy as well as best service quality. Below are few recommendations, but it should continually look for expanding and improving its service capabilities with time.
Digital Library Consortium (DLC): Create a digital library consortium with twofold goal. It should ensure ubiquitous access to all remote digital library contents. It should negotiate best possible rates from providers. Its second goal will be to host and serve local content. It should facilitate electronic journal hosting, cataloguing, archiving, and dissemination services for all forms of educational contents originated, created and owned by its member communities. See [8].
Higher Education Information Service (HEIS): The service should electronically collect and distribute (make available online) comprehensive, authenticated and up-to-date information about the member organizations. It should help resource sharing, ensure exemplary transparency in higher education, and facilitate informed choice- and thus improve quality.
User Communication Services (UCS): Provide major forms of digital communication services used in educational and research collaboration including email, groups, content hosting, conference management, voice/video conferencing. Make them available to research groups and communities. Think about providing ultra-broad services such as perpetual email forwarding, and a small but perpetual web space for all, video conferencing rooms all over the country. It seems, several advanced applications such as virtual conferencing, 3D tele-presence, distributed musical and theatrical production, will also be available soon for deployment on RENs.
University and Organizational Services (UOS): Provide enterprise services to member institutions such as course management, certificate servers, business data exchange, paperless process management, data warehousing, business-printing, etc.
Science Resource Services (SRS): Many universities are developing virtual laboratories, remote instrumentations, grid computers etc. There are ongoing projects to provide synthetic environment to learn and experiment with concepts in chemistry, physics, biology and math, virtual tools for practicing human surgery. Several institutions have developed Internet enabled labs which allow remote experimentation with highly specialized real scientific instruments such as electron microscope, forest animal lab, astronomical telescopes, coordinated sensor operation in multiple locations, remote operation of undersea autonomous vehicle, etc. Countries world wide are also building computing Grids base on REN to provide low cost supercomputing access to their scientists by pooling together underused ordinary computers CPU cycles.
New Mode Learning: RENs have inspired many new age learning technologies. These
range from completely new format learning to combinations of online and offline
A REN like most large and complex networks will have two major components (a) backbone network and (b) access network. The backbone is the highway system. Individual institutions connect to this backbone by a series of access links. A REN also will have International access that would connect it to other RENs and networks such as the Internet.
BREN- like other RENs should obtain the point-to-point links from the telecom operators or from radio link providers directly. The REN engineers should maintain the routers and switching equipments to control and maintain the packet routing satisfying the requirements of the member organizations –without having to go through the ISPs. Below we provide discussion on few design aspects of BREN.
Currently, the institutions with internet access have 64-512 Kbps links. In most- particularly in public universities only faculty and few staff[3] has access. BREN must take a policy of facilitating universal access- full service Internet for everyone in HEI. The students- particularly the undergrads, are after all the main customer of the higher education. Thus the each institution will require at least 2-10 Mbps. Technically it means national backbone and the international link should be 155-622 Mbps. The new advanced voice/video/science data applications and the expected rapid capacity growth in higher education are expected to saturate this 155 Mbps-155 Mbps-10 Mbps architecture within a rough span of 2-4 years. There should be a five year target to reach 622 Mbps- 1Gbps-10/100Mbps architecture.
The 100–155 Mbps backbone network can be built using the grossly unused capacity of the three government owned fiber assets. While, several network topologies can be adopted, a design with one national ring (NR) and one metropolitan grid (MG) at Dhaka with 12-16 PoPs arranged in a mesh can provide almost blanket coverage to each to the listed educational and research institutions of the country. A Network Operation Center (NOC) can be operated is places such as in Agargaon.
The realistic choices for access links in
It seems most private universities should be able to build a 10/100/GigE campus networks on their own. UGC may want to fund public universities (via local or international grants). BREN should rather provide technical and goal oriented guidelines for member campus networks. For example, services provided by the BREN ought to reach all. There should be strong universal access goals and commitments. Campus networks must connect all the academic and administrative buildings, including student dormitories and faculty housing. BREN should set goals such as: (i) all campuses must have 10/100/GigE network and WLAN access (ii) Cyber Café for each 5000 students, (iii) connectivity to the libraries, (iv) within 2 years at least 25% campus should have wi-fi coverage, etc.
A major short term problem for BREN however, will be lack of trained network engineers. BREN proposal should include fast track training program for REN engineers at universities and to run to run central operation. Technical cooperation arrangement with oversees universities can be arranged and should be welcome. While CAN should be maintained by university REN engineers, BREN should also keep a network support and design team centrally to provide on-site as well as off-site help to smaller institutions with design and maintenance of their CANs.
The submarine cable is the most cost effective and logical
choice for the primary international linking. BTTB estimates that only 20% of
the capacity of SE-ME-WE4 cable will be used until 2010. BREN, as a non-profit
consortium of higher education institutions can ask for government approval to
obtain about 622 Mbps (about 5%) from the unused capacity of this nationally
owned cable system free or at cost. This 622 Mbps fiber link will reach Magh
Bazar from major exchange points at
BREN can peer with other ISP networks through Dhaka
Internet Exchange and internationally at
Table-6 Possible Peering RENs [3] |
Landing |
Country |
Regional REN |
1 |
2 |
3 |
ThaiSARN |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
France (FTelcom) |
16 |
France (MCIF) |
This report paper presents the concept and makes the case.
However, it is not a detail design. That should be the next step. There are
many suggestions in the plan which will require multi-stage efforts and
revision. The REN phenomenon worldwide is also undergoing rapid transformation.
The document captures the essence of contemporary REN. Naturally, as time
progresses their will be innovations much beyond things contemplated here or
elsewhere- which
The author would like to thank Fulbright Senior Specialist
program and the host
[1] For example BUET’s VSAT can be easily shared by Dhaka University (DU) and Dhaka Medical College (DMC), and DUs connection by BUET in return. But, both DU and BUET are now single homed and susceptible to outage.
[2] For example, any communication asset provided to the member institution by the consortium (such as VSAT) should be given in a way that it encourages sharing and access facilitation to other members- rather than monopoly use by one.
[3] Any educational institution with 90% students without any institutional email service is effectively an Internet less institution. That is the case with most public universities in 2005.