Perceptual Video Compression

Author: Komogortsev Oleg
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Prepared for Prof. Javed I. Khan
Department of Computer Science, Kent State University
Date: November 2001


Abstract. This work discusses different eye-gazed based compression techniques. Some issues like: positioning the high quality encoded area on the video frame, the level of degradation in the periphery, different compression techniques and approaches. It discusses the significance of the network delay for perceptual video compression.

[Keyword]: gaze-contingent video, video compression, eye, network.

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Perceptual video compression is a technique which provides additional savings in a traditional video coding, which is based on mathematical methods of compression and also on some constrains of the human vision. Perceptual video compression takes into the consideration the position of the human eye on video image, and the fact that human visual system provides detailed information only at the point of gaze, coding less information father from this point.   There are three two kinds of problems arise which it is: a building an accurate eye model for the appropriate bits distribution over encoded image and the second one is tracking eye movements to provide a careful estimation of the gaze point on the encoded image.

Major approaches and techniques:

Pre-attentive approach:

One of the approaches is pre-attentive approach. Idea of this approach is to determine where people have tendency to look at the image, at what areas, and later use this information to encode this processed image.  [Stel95] This appraoach concludes that people have tendency to look at the same parts of the video. In this approach is divided into squares. Than the algorithm calculates the percentage of gazes which fall into each square. The squares with highest percentage contained would be encoded with high resolution and other areas would be encoded with lower one. For example these high attractive areas might be: eyes and mouth if the video is news, if video sample is fast for example it is a hockey game, than peoples attention will be attracted by the region containing the biggest amount of movements.

  The other technique is to collect the VOIs (volume of interest). VOI represents foveal loci of gaze in 3D space-time. In general, VOI model of eye-movements distinct multiple viewers' scanpaths into a consolidated spatio-temporal description. After the subject evaluation, it was noticed that practically all of them followed the same pattern. After creating the scanpaths, it is possible to pre-encode the image in a way that a part of the image identified by the scanpaths is high quality encoded following the HVS (human visual system) model. Implementation of such kind of scheme might provide up to 50% compression overall in video bandwidth, while the image degradation is imperceptible to the eye.


Real time eye-position tracking approach:

This approach assumes that exact eye position comes from eye tracker equipment, and at any instance of time it is possible to say exactly loaction of the eye gaze on the image. This is the most common approach. Usually the eye position is detected by special eye-tracking equipment [Duch01]. Than the data from eye tracker is transferred to the video encoder, which has an algorithm of encoding eye-gaze compressed video. This the more accurate method than the previous one, though it needs special equipment which might be quite complicated to operate.


Building eye model:

Let suppose that we have the exact eye position on the video image. We need to know how and where and how smoothly the video image should be degraded to provide the highest compression factor and still not be perceptible to the human eye.

Let’s consider humans eye structure:

We have two quantities in our eye which built our model of vision: rods and cones. Cones are used for the color vision and they produce the most accurate-sharp picture and rods represent black and white vision:

       Fig. 1

                                                                                                                                        C. Belcher, R. Helms “Lighting - the electronic textbook”

 For perceptual coding  cones distribution is the most essential one. Cones distribution might be represented by two dimensional graph:

      Fig. 2

described by formula by the formula [J. J. Kulikowski, V. Walsh, I. J. Murray “Limits of Vision,” Dept of Optometry & Vision Sciences UMIST, Manchester, UK],

where R is response of an eye,  is peak response of the unit,is related to width of the tuning curve.

Looking at this graph it is relatively easy to understand how bits should be distributed in the perceptually encoded video image. Point “x” represents the position of the human eye at given instance of time, and most of the bits are allocated to that point. Fewer bits are given to periphery. A picture with such bit distribution should provide non-detectable by eye quality reduction, and also significant amount of bits saved in encoded picture.


The base of this figure would present the acuity window - area, which should be perceptually coded.


Written above model is HVS (human visual system). It might be hard to implement. That is why there two other models proposed linear model and non-linear model [Duch95a].

Linear model is a linear approximation of the model written above and it easier to calculate and implement. It is also noticed that in most cases linear model provides same results as HVS model [Duch98J1] and [Duch98Ja]. Non-linear model is also approximation which provides overall video quality than linear model.

Real implementation:

Real implementations of such scheme for wavelet coding includes Voronoy partitioning of the image and providing “high” coefficients to the area which should be encoded with high quality. Basically Voronoy partitioning is splitting the image area with small squares  – resolution grid. For the center of this grid the highest coefficients are provided and for the rest of it. Resolution grid is made twice as the size of the image that allows a computationally efficient offset method to track eye position and update display without having to be recomputed the Resolution Grid each time eye moves.    [Kort96].

  The other practical approach is built a sequence of images from the original image. This sequence would contain same image, but with different decreasing sizes. For example each next image in this sequence is four times smaller than the previous one. During encoding process the point where eye is looking would be given pixel values from the biggest image. The farther encoding area from the point of gaze the lower sized images are used for encoding. Different degradation functions might be applied while using that approach linear, non-linear or HVS acuity matching [Duch95a].


Measuring equipment delay:


The aspects discussed above assumes that we have exact position of the eye on the video image, but in reality eye-position should be measured by some instrument and then most probably propagated over the network, all of these components might have significant impact  over the system. Let's consider the eye tracking system and the connection which supplies information to the encoder. We can imagine the general scheme for getting eye data as:

               Fig. 3


General system delay in this situation would be:

Delay = Eye position detection by eye tracker + control center proceeding + sending this information to transcoder + actual encoding of the image + sending and displaying encoded image

Working in the network environment such as Internet might increase sending delay greatly, which would bring more complication in the process of eye-tracking and determining exact eye position on the image.

The problem with this system is that we cannot predict the eye position in the future, because system gets delayed information.


Eye movements:

There’re should be way to predict future eye movements. The good approach would be to identify eye-movements, there are three major types: natural drift, smooth pursuit, and saccadic. Each of this type of eye movements has their own duration time and maximum velocity. For example natural drift are very slow (0.8-0.15deg/sec) and are present even when observer is intentionally fixating a single point, saccades are rapid (160-300deg/sec) movements, they appear when fixation point moves from one location to another. Eye sensitivity during saccades is close to zero, which allows encoding the image in a special way – giving low bit-rate encoding to the whole image area over the period when saccades occur. Smooth pursuit eye-movements usually have velocity not greater than 8 deg/sec [Scott98].


Without having an accurate mechanism of predicting eye movement and identifying the direction of eye-movement, it is hard to find where all eye gazes in the future will fall.


The problem might be easily explained with the following figure:

    Fig. 4

where the center of ellipse is an eye position at the current moment and the ellipse’s area is the place where future eye-position might fall. The size of this ellipse is determined by the value of delay in the system and the current eye velocity, which in it's turn might depend on the video content and the exact type of eye movements happening at the current instance of time.


It is intuitively clear that the area of the ellipse should be encoded with the highest resolution, because the eye might look at any point of this ellipse. Taking in consideration delay, bits distribution graph following HVS model updated from figure 2, should look like:

Fig. 5


Having bits distributed in such way it will be possible to contain almost all gazes in the high quality coded area.


Compression factor:

The main question is if the perceptual video compression technique is used what is bandwidth reduction factor going to be.

  Some experiments with 256x256x8gray images they where able to achieve bandwidth reduction of up to 94.7%. Reduction of the image to such a great ratio provided some artifacts, but still most of the times the perceptual video degradation was undetected by subjects [Kort96].

 The other results are more moderate. Implementing perceptual video degradation for wavelet encoding [Niu95] shows the relation between the window size, allowable degradation, and corresponding ability of the human eye to detect degradation. For example, if periphery quality is degraded to a level 7 (only first seven bands of wavelet coefficients was retained), and the dual-resolution encoded image with ROI window size of 2 degree is presented for 150 ms to a subject then it makes the degradation noticeable about 60% times, while a window of size 5 reduces the detection level to less than 20% times. Though acuity window size directly affects the amount of bits saved by the    encoding algorithm. The estimation was done for  ‘Zerotree’ quantization wavelet algorithm. With 2-degree acuity window 75-65% bits can be saved, and 44-31% using 5% degree window.



Perceptual video compression is very attractive and promising, because it provides more that 50% saved bits over already implemented lossless compression techniques. Some factors such as implementation complexity, predicting eye movements, reducing system delay might be drawback for this type of compression. But considering big screens like digital theaters and 3-D caves, perceptual video compression might be the only good solution for reduction of humongous computations and bandwidth.


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This survey is based on electronic search in ACM, IEEE and SPIE digital libraries For both of this libraries following key words where used: “eye gaze video compression”, “perceptual video compression”, “fovea encoded  video”, “perceptually encoded video” . Searched following digital libraries:

 SPIE  -

 ACM -



Created By Weidong Liao
Last Modified on April 25th, 1999