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Semantic web/ Peer-to-Peer Systems
Posted: May 2005
Summer Student Research Opportunity
Most of you are working quite hard this summer in the Medianet lab. As an added incentive, this summer the Medianet offers an innovative research award(s) 2000$ on a competitive basis for graduate projects in the area of Semantic Web Courseware (this may cover your trip to Hawaii, a Laptop, or perhaps afford you some pocket money!) If you have attended the Spring Medianet Workshop on Semantic Courseware you already have a fair idea about the kind of projects which we will be interested in. So fire up your imagination. Send me this proposal by June 7, 2005 11:59 pm. See Lab email for detail.

Nov 2002

Undergraduate Position in Graphics

An Undergraduate position in 3D graphics is available in POLYMORPHIC EXPLORATION project soponsored by NSF.
We are looking for an energetic young researcher interested in working side by side with doctoral students in this cross cutting initiative. If you are interested please contact Dr. Javed I. Khan, Media Communication and Networking Research Lab or send email at javed@kent.edu.

Networking & MPEG-2
Posted: Sept 2000
Post Doctoral Position in Networking and Multimedia

A Post Doctoral position is immediately available at Kent State University under PERCEPTMEDIA project sponsored by DARPA. The project involves research in perceptual engineering in the area of high definition video transcoding and networking. We are looking for an energetic young researcher interested in leading this cross cutting initiative with innovative ideas and the ability to validate it by planning and executing experiments. While a creative mind will help in the former, involved network and systems programming will be needed to succeed in the later. The optional ingredients that would help are familiarity in visual perception, MPEG, and eye-gaze tracking research. Nonetheless, this position will be an excellent opportunity to master the above. The position is initially available for a period of one year and may be renewable subject to availability of funds.

If you are interested please send a CV to: postdoc@mcs.kent.edu or mail it to Dr. Javed I. Khan, C/O Shirley Sommers, Media Communication and Networking Research Lab 233 MSB, Department of Math & Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH-44242. For query: 330-672-9045. Kent State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 

Active Networking
Posted: August 01, 2001 (closed)
A graduate research assitantship  is available for Activenet project. You must have strong independent research potential in the area of networking and video. Proven ability of  independent programming is needed.  You would also need to help setting up the Kent ABONE cluster. Systems to work with: MPEG-2, ANEP, etc.
Perceptual Multimedia
Posted: August 01, 2001
Another graduate research assitantship is available for cutting edge research in perceptual multimedia. Requires you to work with 3D graphics & Video projection algorithms. Also you need to work with eye-tracker. Knowledge in MPEG-2/ MPEG-4 and OpenGL, cleint server programming will help. 

contact:  javed@kent.edu